Spain Spanish

Spanish has a lexicon of 800,000 to 1,000,000 words, of which more than 300,000 are scientific or technical terms.


A language is not defined only by the number of speakers, but also by the aspects of reality that it transmits. If English occupies the first place in the field of scientific-technical research and business, Spanish plays an important role as a language of culture. Spanish is considered this way thanks to the originality of Hispanic literature, both that of Latin America and that of Spain.


Spanish is a sonorous language like gold. So says the Royal Spanish Academy, and it is true. If English is studied because it is practical, Spanish is studied because it is beautiful. We hear it in love songs and on South American soap operas. But it is also the language of Cervantes and Lope, of Unamuno and Lorca.

The Spanish

Spain has long been considered, from an economic point of view, as an essentially agricultural and livestock nation, as well as an appreciable producer of a few mining resources, but whose industry represented only a marginal role both quantitatively and qualitatively

Spanish economy

Any consideration about Spanish culture must emphasize the significance and importance of religion in the country's history.

Spanish Culture