Euskalgym 2011 - Gymnastic's Party in Bilbao

Euskalgym 2011 - Gymnastic's Party in Bilbao

Gala Internacional de gimnasia rítmica con la participacion de las mejores gimnastas del mundo

The Basque Federation of Gymnastics held again the unique “Euskalgym” in Bilbao. The “Euskalgym”- Gala is thought as a gymnastics event for everybody, without scores and pressures for the participating gymnasts and with very popular ticket prices for the public and even an autograph session with the international gymnasts.

In this sixth edition the audience in the sold-out “Bilbao Arena” enjoyed the performances and gala routines of 11 of the best individual rhythmic gymnastics of the world.

From Russia performed Vice-World Champion Daria Kondakova and her teammates Daria Dmitrieva and Yana Lukonina.
Also Aliya Garaeva from Azerbaidjan travelled to Bilbao as well as Silvia Miteva from Bulgaria and Liubov Charkashyna and Melitina Staniuta from Belarus. For the first time in Bilbao was Ulyana Trofimova from Uzbekistan.

From the Ukraine performed Alina Maksimenko and Anna Rizatdinova and the most popular gymnast of all in Spain, Anna Bessonova. Bessonova showed that despite that she quit the big sports two years ago she is still in great shape performing pieces of her unforgettable hoop routine to Swan Lake music.

Anna Bessonova (UKR)
— performing her gala

Autograph session for the fans with the international gymnasts on Saturday morning

Carolina Rodriguez on her way to London 2012

For the first time the Spanish National group performed in Bilbao showing their complete competition programme in order to prepare the Pre-Olympic event in January in London where they will try to qualify for the Olympic Games in August 2012.Also the Spanish individual gymnast Carolina Rodríguez used the Euskalgym to test her routines before the decisive qualifying event .

Almudena Cid, Spain's best gymnast ever and four times Olympic finalist, hardly seen at Rhythmic gymnastics events after her retirement after the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008, performed together with the gymnasts of her first gymnastics club a gala routine dedicated to the association “Protect” whose aim is to prevent child abuse.

Another highlight of the “Euskalgym”- Gala was the homage to Alex Barrenetxea, a former artistic gymnast of the Spanish National team, two times participant at Olympic Games and several times National champion.

In a short but emotive ceremony the president of the Basque Federation, José Luis Tejedor, remembered all his achievements and offered him a present of the Federation to honor his gymnastics carreer.

Esther Teijeira

Euskalgym 2011 — Gymnastic s Party in Bilbao

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