Spanish Culture

Spanish Culture

Any consideration about Spanish culture must emphasize the significance and importance of religion in the country's history. A reflection of the influence of Catholicism is provided by the abundant mystical elements in art and literature of Spain, the long list of their saints and the large number of congregations and religious orders. However, the Catholic Church has lost influence since the restoration of democracy.

The holidays are a prominent feature of folklore in the Spanish life. They usually begin with religious ceremonies, like most mass followed by a solemn procession in which participants carry on their shoulders the venerated images. Later secular celebrations, where music, dancing, bullfights, poetry and songs often encourage festivities all happen. Las Fallas in Valencia, the April Fair in Seville and the San Fermin festival in Pamplona are some of the most famous festivals profane. In contrast, the celebration of Corpus Christi in Toledo and Granada and Easter in Andalusia and in several Castilian cities such as Valladolid, Zamora and Cuenca are religious festivals with representations of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bullfights are an important part of the Spanish festive tradition in which fans not only applaud the bravery of the toreros but their dexterity and art.

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