The Qiujote
Its full title is «The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote». Spanish is the work that most times you edited. It has been translated into all languages of the world learned.
In 1605, when the first part was published, he had six editions. The adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho gained such popularity that soon appeared false continuations of the novel. The second part of the novel appeared in 1615.
With this novel Cervantes wanted to make a satire of the many books of chivalry is then read (they were like our detective novels now). But what he got was an interpretation of the human. That is, the result surpassed the pretext.
The protagonists, Don Quixote and his squire Sancho represent two impulses that we all have. While Don Quixote looks ideal, Sancho merely common sense. Don Quixote sees reality and replaces it with your fantasy. Try to make the world more just and humane, but only reaches the desperation and injustice. It is a model of man dominated by faith and the desire for freedom.
Sancho is the opposite. It is coarse and gluttonous, and does not understand the fantasies of his master. But still with exemplary fidelity and share with him the toughest adventures.
It notes that there is a certain dynamism in the novel. That is, the characters change throughout the narrative. Don Quixote, the comic figure first, gradually realizes that the real world has no justice and beauty. His stubbornness becomes tragismo crazy. Cervantes implies that the Knight of the Sad is the only defender of the ideal in the infamous and corrupt world.